File Uploads

Batman learned how to handle file uploads using Robyn. He created an endpoint to handle file uploads using the following code:

Scaling the Application

Batman scaled his application across multiple cores for better performance. He used the following command:


from robyn.robyn import File"/upload")
async def upload():
  body = request.body
  file = bytearray(body)

  # write whatever filename
  with open('test.txt', 'wb') as f:

  return jsonify({'message': 'success'})

File Downloads

Batman now wanted to allow users to download files from his application. He created an endpoint to handle file downloads using the following code:

Serving Simple HTML Files

Batman scaled his application across multiple cores for better performance. He used the following command:


from robyn import Robyn, serve_html

app = Robyn(__file__)

async def h(request):
    return serve_html("./index.html")


Serving Other Files

Batman scaled his application across multiple cores for better performance. He used the following command:


from robyn import Robyn, serve_file

app = Robyn(__file__)

async def h(request):
    return serve_file("./index.html")


What's next?

Now, Batman was ready to learn about the advanced features of Robyn. He wanted to find a way to get realtime updates in his dashboard.